RAC Tweed Ride Report
The RAC Tweed Ride held in Albany on May 9th 2015 was a great success. The Tweed Ride was just one of the many activities as part of the second Vintage Vancouver Street Festival. A wood fired pizza night was held with Perth and Albany members the evening before the Festival and Ride and was enjoyed by all.
The Festival was held on historic Vancouver Street and there were 4 500 through the gate on the day. Sixty people rode in the Tweed ride which was a big increase from last years inaugural Tweed Ride which had 25 participants. A big thank you to Mal and Myrene Bell and family who travelled down with their ancient cycles members will be familiar with. The Tweed Ride was a major drawcard of the Festival thanks to a team effort from Perth and Great Southern members. It may have been the first time ever that eight penny farthings were on Vancouver St.
Thanks to the generosity from local bikes shops, Passmore Cycles, Bob's Bikes and Impulse, cycles, prizes were awarded for the most Fetching Lady, the most Dapper Chap and Most Breathtaking Hair. WAHCC members/partners scoped the pool here with Carissa Clark winning the first and third categories and Collyn Gawned the second.
Approximately 20 bikes were displayed featuring the history of the bike and local newspaper ads featuring the agencies that sold bicycles. The bike racks and display panels that were funded by the Lotterywest grant resulted in a very professional looking display. A big thanks also to David Clark who supplied a fully restored 5 star Swansea for the display.
Hats off to WAHCC member Glenn Huffer who liaised with the City of Albany to organise the event.
The first rider sets off. Photo courtesy © Anita Hotker
The Bell family are front page news.