Club members taking part in the 2024 Christmas Pageant
Hi, we like bikes with character
Founded in 1999 the WA Historical Cycle Club aims to bring together cyclists and collectors and fosters an interest in bicycles of historic interest. Bikes represented in members' collections range from the mid 19th century up to the present day.
The club meets regularly and hosts ride days, workshops and static display exhibitions. Our members maintain registers of WA built bikes and notable WA riders.
Monthly Meetings
We meet at 7:30 pm on the third Monday of every month except December at the Floreat Athena Football Club rooms in Leederville. Join us there; 41 Britannia Rd, Leederville, WA 6007 - click here for a Google Maps link or here for an Apple Maps link.
The WAHCC welcomes visitors to all our meetings and encourages members of all ages. Membership is just $25 per year.
To join pay online here
or post a cheque together with name, postal and email address to;
PO Box 234
Leederville WA 6903
or pay by direct deposit
use your surname as a reference and email a copy of the receipt to along with your name and address.
BSB: 806015
Account number: 03307010
Account name : Western Australian Historical Cycle Club
Need to know more? Drop us a line at or by post to
PO Box 234
Leederville WA 6903
Join the club - sign up online here or download a membership form here
Rules / Insurance / Incorporation