Originally run to celebrate the fests of Arthur Grady, a Fremantle bicycle maker who became the first person to ride a motorcycle around Australia. The event has grown into a fantastic celebration of all things vintage.
2014 saw displays not only of fine vintage motorcycles, but also vintage bicycles, trucks, machinery, buses, tools cars and prams. Right in the centre of Fremantle.
As with last year the road will be closed around the Town Hall and the street will be filled with displays.
There will be free parking available for displaying members.
07:00 – 09:00 - Square open for arrival of cars and trailers – Please enter from the roundabout at the intersection of Adelaide, William and Queen Street (However best to approach via High Street for easier access to this round about)
09:00 - 10:00 - All vehicles and trailers not for display removed from kings Square
10:00 - 14:00 - event in progress no un-necessary vehicle movements ( BBQ available run by Freo Men’s Shed )
14:00 - event ends trailers permitted to enter the square for pack up.
Event contact for WAHCC Rob Frith 0411555607