* Members intending to display bikes, please note that setup is between 7 and 9am. *
The theme for this year's Guildford Heritage Festival is "Transportation Through The Ages".
WAHCC members who attended last year's event had a ball. This is a well attended display so you can expect to see a variety of exotic cycles, some a century or more old.
Sit back, relax, grab a drink and a bit to eat, from one of the many food choices on offer whilst enjoying live entertainment throughout the day. Blues and roots trio, Jon Edwards and the Murder Mouse Blues Band, feature a lively mix of blues, folk and celtic, creating a stunning original sound. Also featured is acoustic rock and folk duo Boz & Molly, country rock sounds from The Ragged and Hallabaloo and Morris dancing with, The Mad Tatters and The Perth Morris Men. Hip, hop and jazz dancing will delight with the children, from Happy Feet Dance Studio.