7:30 PM19:30

February Monthly Meeting & AUCTION

  • 41 Britannia Rd Leederville, WA, 6007 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It’s been some time since the club has had an auction of donated bikes and parts. We currently have over 50 lots, ranging from vintage puncture repair kits to complete bikes. Photos of most items are in the club’s Flickr feed below, and a link to the BiddingOwl auction site will go live shortly.

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6:30 AM06:30

Popup Museum - AusCycling Road National Championships

  • 2 Havelock St West Perth, WA, 6005 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’re super excited about being a part of the Australian Road National Titles event villages.

On Sunday you’ll find us on the front lawn of Dumas House in West Perth, along with event sponsors.

Come and have a chat and check out some racing machinery from the past century - we’ll be there all day.

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10:00 AM10:00

Popup Museum - AusCycling Road Nationals Criterium

  • 35a Lake St Northbridge, WA, 6003 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’re super excited about being a part of the Australian Road National Titles event villages.

On Friday you’ll find us in the middle of the action on Lake St, Northbridge along with event sponsors. Come and have a chat and check out some racing machinery from the past century - we’ll be there all day.

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Display - Boorloo Bridge Opening
5:00 PM17:00

Display - Boorloo Bridge Opening

Join the WA Historical Cycle Club in celebrating the opening of Boorloo Bridge at a special twilight, free, family friendly event.

Check out our display in a marquee near the eastern end of the bridge, where it meets McCallum Park.

Boorloo Bridge will significantly improve connectivity, safety and amenity for thousands of people who walk, wheel or ride in and out of Perth city daily.

Two six-metre-wide cable-stayed bridges have been constructed over the Swan River, linking the Victoria Park foreshore to Perth via Heirisson Island.

This new, iconic Perth landmark is now known as Boorloo Bridge in recognition of the Whadjuk Noongar culture and history which has been embedded into the design. We recognise and acknowledge the valuable contribution over the last three years from the Matagarup Elders Group (MEG) who have been instrumental in ensuring accurate cultural narrative of the bridge to encourage awareness, understanding and appreciation of Noongar culture.

This will be the first opportunity to walk, wheel and ride across the bridge and pose for a selfie next to the boomerang and digging stick pylons! There are lots of new spaces to explore in McCallum Park, Heirisson Island and Point Fraser where you will discover murals, sculptures, wayfinding, and plenty of seating to rest, relax and recharge while enjoying the stunning views of the new bridge and the Swan River.

The evening wraps up with a firework display and the much anticipated switching on of the feature lighting on the bridge.

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6:00 PM18:00

Christmas Pageant

  • 28 St Georges Terrace Perth, WA, 6000 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It isn’t a Christmas Pageant without us!
We have 22 riders signed on for this year’s event.
For those that miss the in-person event, it will be televised on the 12th and 25th of December. We are group number 22 out of 76.

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10:00 AM10:00

Westral Wheel Race Display

The Westral Wheelrace is the second oldest cycle race in Australia, dating all the way back to 1897.
Past winners include the likes of Sam Welsford, Perth pro cyclist riding in the Tour de France.
The WAHCC will be there with a brace of track (and other) bikes from the days of yore!
Find us up with the food truck and coffee truck.

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9:00 AM09:00

Have A Go Day

  • Charles Patterson Park Burswood Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’re a bit of a fixture at Have A Go Day. If you’re free during the day on Wednesday Nov. 13 roll on down to Burswood Park - we’ll post details and a map in time, so watch this space.

Here we are setting up at Have A Go Day 2023, photo; Robert Hunt

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5:30 PM17:30

Vintage Track Night

Friday May 24th sees us back out at the Speed Dome in Midvale to exercise the bikes that we can’t ride on the road.

Aside from admiring and riding bikes from members’ collections that rarely see the light of day, or have their pedals turned, it’s great opportunity to try out track riding on a world class indoor velodrome. It’s also a great little social outing, so please consider joining the riders as a spectator (with pizza rights!)

Don't have a track bike... or don't trust your old tyres? Your $25 covers the use of a hire bike supplied by Track Cycling WA.

$25 for ride and pizza, $5 for spectator and pizza - sign up and pay in the club webshop, or turn up and pay on the night.

photo of Percy Dimond courtesy State Library of WA

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10:00 AM10:00

Display - Moondyne Festival Toodyay

  • 109 Stirling Terrace Toodyay, WA, 6566 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The club has a long, and fruitful, association with Toodyay’s amazing Moondyne Festival. It’s a one day event, running from 9am to 4pm.

The organisers have, for the past few years, had us set up on the forecourt of the old fire station (105 Stirling Terrace, Toodyay). Members, there is parking available at the rear of the Fire Station off Charcoal Lane, just before the Duke St intersection.

The forecourt is quite exposed in sunny weather so it would be great to get a club marquee up there - any volunteers to give it a ride there or a ride home? Please let Rob know.

It’s a busy day with lots of stalls and non stop entertainment - see you there!

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to Apr 28

Display - York Heritage Festival

  • 87 Avon Terrace York, WA, 6302 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


We’ll be displaying bikes on Saturday and Sunday at 87 Avon Tce (the same venue as the past two years).

Club Talks at the York Town Hall

Sat 27th 11:30am - Chris Marris - BMX Nullarbor Crossing

Sun 28th 12 midday - Alan Naber - Social History of Cycling

Avon Terrace Rides

11am & 2pm on both Sat. 27th and Sun. 28th

Fancy a bite?

On Sat 27th at 6pm club members are meeting for a meal at the Settlers Inn Restaurant. Please let Bill know if you’d like to join.

What else is on?

Well heaps! You can check out the programme here. On Fri 26th at 6pm there’s a concert at Stables Theatre behind the courthouse, entry by gold coin donation.

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7:30 PM19:30

March Club Meeting & Auction

  • 41 Britannia Rd Leederville, WA, 6007 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For March we’re back at the newly refurbished Floreat Athena clubrooms, yay!

Some other good news; the club has been the recipient of some quality donations, and we’re back to our usual auction format. The March auction features items donated by the family of noted Perth racer Robin Cassidy, as well as a nice refurbished Healing, an 80’s Raleigh Bomber and an ex Des Williams Capo. Photos of all the items are available on Flickr. `

Bidding is now open to members on Bidding Owl. All items will be at the clubroom for inspection and collection at the meeting. Members will be able to bid in person at the meeting.

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7:30 PM19:30

February Club Meeting 118 Federation St Mount Hawthorn

  • 65 Egina St Mount Hawthorn, WA, 6016 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Founding member Alan Naber is an engaging speaker. He is also well travelled. Please join us for what promises to be an entertaining trawl through his archives.
From Alan; “Sorting my fifty years of photos relating to biking, I have found some good and bad bike parking ideas and some memorable incidents that happened to me on my bike.”

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7:30 PM19:30

January Club Meetin

Happy new year and all that. Like me, I reckon you’re really looking forward to our January meeting, which was due to happen this Monday, the 15th.
I say ‘was’ because we’ve just been informed by Floreat Athena that the clubrooms are undergoing some major works. The works, commissioned by City of Vincent, proceeded without Floreat Athena’s knowledge.
Anyway, the long and the short of it is that we can’t meet at FAFC this month or in February. Time is too tight to organise an alternate venue so the January meeting will be on Zoom (check your email for details ). I hope to see you there and please keep your eyes peeled for the Jan/Feb newsletter out any day now.
Rob Frith, club chairperson.

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11:00 AM11:00

Backstory Floortalks

Our popular and successful exhibition Nullarbor Crossings - A History of Challenge, originally slated to run at the Museum of Perth until the end of January 2024, will close on Wednesday, December the 13th.

We’ve been excited to be able to share with you the results of club members’ research efforts, which has turned up some remarkable new material.
Please join us on Saturday, December 9th at 11am for backstory floor talks by Frank West and Robert Frith.

• Frank will run you through the discovery and renovation of the Billy Read and Gordon Jones’ Aussie Tandem.

• Robert will take you on a tour through recently uncovered photos of Hubert Opperman’s 1937 crossing.

photo of Hubert Opperman at Karonie courtesy Tony Humphry.

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12:00 PM12:00

In Conversation - Rod Evans & Colin Ottaway

Rod Evans describes his 1989 Around Australia Record attempt as a ‘baptism by fire’. In setting the new record, Rod rode an average of 278 km each day for nearly 50 days. For the next of our ‘In Conversation’ series Rod will be joined by Colin Ottaway, the first rider to finish the 2022 IndiPac, an informal, unsupported transcontinental crossing. Toby Hodgson will host this in-depth look into life behind bars day after day.

Supported by RAC, Dept. of Transport and Westcycle as part of 2023 BikeMonth

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